Yep, I'll be a guest speaker at Ruby Lane's Blog Talk Radio on Thursday, June 2, at 10AM! Tune in for news about how my shop got started, and other tidbits on collecting old prints. Here's the URL directing you on how you can listen in, a
s well as send yourself an email reminder: by my shop when the interview is over, and send me your comments!

Spring is here, and in the Northwest, that's a welcome sight, as we've had way too much rain these last few months! Bleeding hearts, glorious stands of purple and white lilacs, and teenie, cheerful grape hyacinths are in full bloom. There's nothing like a vase of lilacs with their sweet aroma. Cruise on over to my website, and check out all the lilac prints for sale.
I've got my dahlias in, and they're starting to sprout too. Soon it will be time for the State Fair, where I usually enter a few winners. It's incredible the diverse selection of dahlias that can be found. My favorites are the "dinnerplate" varieties, with blooms up to 12 inches across. I tend to like the weird and wonderful oddly-colored ones too. My ki

hen island in the Summer always has a vase of fresh dahlias. I usually plant at least 75 tubers, so there are plenty to be harvested at any given time. If you'd like to try growing them, I highly recommend buying them at Swan Island Dahlias in Canby, Oregon. Their website is Yep, that's me and "Maki", a late bloomer that is gi-normous! Uh huh, it IS that size! I've been growing them for a while now, so if you have questions, glad to help out.

On another note, my Ruby Lane shop, Victorian Rose Prints, is now selling great old Victorian etiquette books. They sell pretty fast, so do check back on a daily basis to see the new listings. Right now is a great book entitled "For Girls", and wonderful sex education and etiquette book that everything a young woman should know about how to conduct oneself in Victorian etiquette. They are truly a hoot to read! Here's a few more that are coming up soon:

And, more great prints coming soon too, some in terrific Mission-style, oak, Adirondack frames, with ornate three-dimensional corner embellishments. A grouping of these "Adi" frames makes quite a statement, and I have several in my shop. Keep checking our listings daily!